Monday, December 12, 2016

Debi's entry June 2016 No water

 OK, let's start with bad news first. NO WATER!  Since the water line broke during construction, we have no water coming coming in. Linda told me not to worry because they have big tanks and they can even move water from their underground tank into ours if necessary.  So I felt reassured and did not worry...until we got home last evening to turn on the water and NOTHING came out!  It is so awful to turn the knob and nothing happens!  So Linda got men to hook up hoses to transfer water and still nothing!  She told me to be patient and it would fill. We went to their house for dinner along with many others and at 10 PM, we still  had no water. 

This morning she said a valve was turned wrong and the water was running out next door. It did not go to waste. Villagers who do not have running water were collecting it as fast as they could to use for washing dishes and clothes and even their gardens. Water is precious!

Because our road is chewed up, a truck cannot get in to deliver water and fill our tanks. Linda is so resourceful!  She has had workers carrying water to our house. Mebo did dishes in basins of carried water. (Mebo, along with 80% of Tanzanians, does not have running water at her house. This seems normal to her.). She will take our laundry to another property to use their water. Our tank has been filled with enough water for emergencies. We have several gallons of drinking water in reserve. 

Linda not worry!  This happens!  I wont tell you how long I had to go without water once. I said TELL ME!  She said, "OK...three months!  And I had babies in diapers at the time!"  I WILL remain cheerful!!!!

The good news... No the GREAT news is that Erik and Bernice loaned us a freezer they were not using!!!  It was repaired and delivered last evening!  It is HUGE!  I will be able to store ice in there and when the power goes out, I can keep things cool in a cooler. I love to make things ahead so I do not miss out on the fun if people are coming to dinner. Now I will have room to store casseroles!  And beans cooked forever in a crock pot. I am soooo excited!!!

Bernice and I shopped again yesterday. My wish list is dwindling. You have no idea how excited I am about my new garbage can for the kitchen!  My old one was too small and I had to bend down and remove a tight fitting lid whenever I tossed something away. Now I can depress a foot pedal to make the lid come up. There is even a removable bucket inside for ease of dumping and cleaning!  I am ridiculously excited about this!  Everyone who comes to the door gets to see!

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