Monday, December 12, 2016

Debi's entry Sept Sad news about Herison

I just got a call from Wema's brother. There is nothing new to report. They ran more tests today and they will get results on Monday. He is blind in his right eye and has an infection called uveitis in his left eye. 
I have been so incredibly sad about this. They knew he had a problem and they took him to a doctor last March who referred him to the clinic in Moshi at that time. They did nothing more until they asked Don to look in his eye. They showed us the paper with a referral to Moshi. I said I would take them there if they needed a ride. Mama shook her head and said "no money".  So once again poverty has played out in front of our eyes. Real honest to goodness poverty that could end up causing a darling person to be blind. I wish now I had just offered to help them right then and there, but I was hesitant to start helping everyone in the family. I just never realized it could be this serious. 

I will keep you posted when I get a report on Monday. 

We leave on our trip tomorrow. I had a big day today with ANOTHER trip to the dentist, had the car repaired (cruise control), made a cake for Erik's birthday, had dinner with EBN to celebrate Erik's birthday and our anniversary which are both September 30.  Still need to pack. We will be gone seven nights. This should be a totally amazing trip!

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