Monday, December 12, 2016

Debi's entry Reunion and Bumbuli

We came home from the Safari on Sunday, June 19 (Fathers Day) tired and dirty!  Dirt roads can kick up a lot if dust! On Monday, June 20, everyone packed and up and changed houses. Bob and Byrna and Carol went to Erik's house and Kathy and Krista and Sonja came here. After a little shopping in town we all got ready for THE PARTY. 

Erik and Bernice wanted a chance for their friends and family in TZ to meet the Rowberg family. After lots of discussion they settled on a party at an outdoor restaurant. All kinds of thought went into the evening to assure that people had a chance to mix and meet each other.  The evening started with a guest table and name tags before going through the receiving line. We all got to meet each person and understand how they knew EBN. 
Altogether about 90 people came! The groups included missionary families, friends of Ray's, Bernice's family, biking friends, managers from both of their places of work, and closest friends. There was an open bar provided and before the food was served, Erik took a microphone and did a welcome. He introduced his siblings again and explained that they were in alphabetical order and after Kathy was born, they were called the Vitamin Kids. Then he had all the different groups of people stand and he introduced everyone and asked that people make an effort to mingle and get to know new people. Before pictures were taken of the different groups, Don, Kathy, Byrna and Carol took the microphone and sang a song Carol wrote to the tune of Ode to Joy that was a tribute to the little brother Erik. It was GREAT!

Picture groups were the missionary families, the doctors and the family. It was quite a reunion and I think everyone was delighted to be included. It was one of my lifetime favorite parties!  After that everyone went through the buffet line and the band started to play. After dinner was dancing. What an evening! I couldn't help thinking we should do more of this kind of thing in America instead of just for weddings!

The next day we all piled into two big safari cars with drivers again and headed east so we could visit Don's birthplace in Bumbuli. Near Moshi we could see Mt Kilimanjaro sticking out above the clouds.  The first destination was to visit Bernice's 94 year old father and home town in the Pare Mountains.  What a gorgeous drive!  We went up and up through so many switch backs from one mountain to the next before we came to this gorgeous, lush, red rock village. It was such a surprise to think so many people lived clear up there! It was beautiful without any litter! This is something I have wanted to see ever since Erik married Bernice in 1993. 
We stayed less than an hour because we still had so far to go. Krista had booked us into two nights in Lushoto, another beautiful village in the Usambara Mountains. We arrived about 7:30 pm, ate the vegetarian dinner provided and went to bed.  The next day we drove about 2 hours to Bumbuli. We found the Lutheran hospital where Ray worked and received a tour of the campus. It was such a thrill to see Ray's picture still hanging in the library and tour the house where they lived. Again, this is something I have wanted to see for years!

We started the long trip home on Thursday, June 23 with two stops at markets in Lushoto. This area is known for its produce. Markets are SO colorful with one brightly dressed woman after another selling their garden produce, all clamoring for you to buy their. I did OK at the first huge market but at the second stop I was practically mobbed by the women. I probably should not have gotten out of the car when they plastered my car window!  I had to have help figuring out who was owed what. I really made a mess of things and Bernice and Nashesha got the giggles when we talked about it later. Apparently I negotiated a price on onions and was given what I paid for and then I proceeded to give some back! Don took pictures of me being mobbed so I will be able to show you later what it was like. 

I was so glad to finally get home!  In spite of sitting in the front seat the entire trip, I spent most of each day motion sick!  I had put a double batch of African Stew in the freezer before leaving so we were able to have a meal together. I sure love that freezer!  Don and Erik worked on Friday and Kathy and daughters flew home. The reunion was starting to be over. Bob, Byrna and Carol did various things things like shop, tour Selian hospital and go to museums. On Saturday night we all went to a restaurant for Ethiopian food and we invited Mark and Linda Jacobson to join us. Byrna was scheduled to leave on Sunday and Carol on Monday.  

We all agreed, this reunion was just amazing. We were all tired from so much driving but we all agreed we would not have wanted to leave one thing out! We just wished Alan and Bonnie could have been there.

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